Putting it all together
Planning and gathering together the stories and photographs took a long time.
The Planning Stage
All good projects begin with a plan. We needed to decide what the exhibition was going to contain and for this we designed and drew many diagrams.
Glamorgan Archives
The Déjà vu Project is all about researching the history of Barry so what better way to start our work than with a visit to The Glamorgan Archives in Cardiff. The Glamorgan Archives have been so helpful to us and started with a tour of behind the scenes so we could see exactly what happens there.
We all had training to teach us how to use the search room and request documents. We have seen some incredibly old documents and maps and also lots of photos of Barry through the ages. We visit the Archives once a fortnight to do our research and the staff have helped us with everything that we need.
Barry War Museum
We also thought that it would be a great idea to visit Barry’s very own war museum and have a look at the displays there. We were lucky enough to visit when they had a fashion show on and it was great to look at the different styles of clothing that people used to wear.
We had a great day and the staff were very friendly and helpful.
Story Museum – Cardiff
In September 2019 we attended Cardiff Story Museum to undertake exhibition training. This was a great session with lots of information and ideas about how we would like our exhibition to look. We had a morning session brainstorming and then a trip around the museum to look at the Cardiff exhibition that they had there.
We thoroughly enjoyed this session and have taken away lots of ideas that will help us.
St Fagans National Museum of History
In November 2019 we visited the Natural Museum of History in St Fagans. We thought it would be the perfect place to look at the exhibitions that they have there and see how items and information can be displayed. It was really interesting to see the different ways that items and information can be displayed and we hope to use some of the ideas in our exhibition.